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Oleg Maltsev (см. Русскую Версию )

Contact e-mail: contact[at]

См. профиль пользователя Oleg Maltsev в LinkedInLinkedin: see profile.


Education ______________________________


Bachelor's degree. Specialization: Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.
D. I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (Moscow, Russia).
Department of Technology of Organic Substances and Chemical Pharmaceutical Compounds.

2008 M. Sc., Engineer. Specialization: Chemical Technology of Synthetic Biologically Active Substances.
D. I. Mendeleev  University of Chemical Technology of Russia (Moscow, Russia).
Department of Technology of Organic Substances and Chemical Pharmaceutical Compounds.
2011 Dr. degree. Specialization: Organic Chemistry. Technology of Organic Compounds.
N. D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS (Moscow, Russia) and
D. I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (Moscow, Russia). 

Experience _____________________________

Technische Universität München (München, Germany)
Laboratory of Catalytic Organic Synthesis
Head: Prof. Dr. Lukas Hintermann

Teaching Assistant
D. I. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (Moscow, Russia)
Department of Technology of Organic Substances and Chemical Pharmaceutical Compounds.
Subdepartment of Chemistry and Technology of Organic Synthesis.
Head: Dr. S. V. Popkov


Research Engineer, Junior Research Fellow
N. D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS (Moscow, Russia).
Laboratory of Fine Organic Synthesis.
Head: Prof. S. G. Zlotin


Summer Trainee
Institute of Organic Chemistry PAS (Warsaw, Poland).
Laboratory of General Organic Chemistry.
Head: Prof. M. Mąkosza

2006 Summer Trainee
Institute of Organic Chemistry PAS (Warsaw, Poland).
Laboratory of General Organic Chemistry.
Head: Prof. M. Mąkosza
2005 - 2008 Research Engineer
A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Elementorganic Compounds RAS (Moscow, Russia).
Laboratory of Synthesis of Heterocyclic Biological Active Substances.
Head: Prof. V. S. Velezheva
2004 - 2005 Laboratory Assistant
N. D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS (Moscow, Russia).
Laboratory of Chemistry of Carbenes and Analogous Intermediates.
Head: Acad. M. P. Egorov

Awards ______________________

2014 Listed in the Marquis’ “Who’s Who in the World” Directory of Biographies (31st ed. 2014)
2012 Best Poster Award. ORCHEM-2012
2012 Prize of Russian Academy of Sciences for Junior Researchers in the field of General and Technical Chemistry
2011 Doctor Degree
2010 Laureate of “The 6th United Congress of Chemical Technology of Youth”
2008 Master's Diploma: magna cum laude

Laureate of “Competition of Young Scientists of A. N. Nesmeyanov
Institute of Elementorganic Compounds RAS” (up to 35 years)

2006 Laureate of “Conference of Student Research Works of
A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Elementorganic Compounds RAS"
2006 Bachelor's Diploma: magna cum laude
2002 School leaving certificate: magna cum laude

Selected Publications __________________


1. O.V. Maltsev, N.K. Nath, P. Naumov, L. Hintermann. Why is Firefly Oxyluciferin a Notoriously Labile Substance? Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 847–850. [Link]



2. M.W. Jensen,  K. Støchkel, C. Kjær, J.L. Knudsen, Oleg V. Maltsev, L. Hintermann, P. Naumov, B.F. Milne, S.B. Nielsen. Photoinduced dissociation mass spectroscopy of firefly oxyluciferin anions. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijms.2013.11.012. [Link]


3. O.V. Maltsev, V. Walter, M.J. Brandl, L. Hintermann. Medium Buffer Effects on the Condensation of L-Cysteine and Aryl Nitriles to (R)-2-Aryl-4,5-dihydrothiazole-4-carboxylic Acids. Synthesis 2013, 45, 2763. [Link]


4. M. Rebarz, B.-M. Kukovec, O.V. Maltsev, C. Ruckebusch, L. Hintermann, P. Naumov, M. Sliwa. Deciphering the Protonation and Tautomeric Equilibria of Firefly Oxyluciferin by Molecular Engineering and Multivariate Curve Resolution. Chem. Sci. 2013, v.4, 3803. [Link]


5. K. Støchkel, C.N. Hansen, J. Houmøller, L.M. Nielsen, K. Anggara, M. Linares, P. Norman, F. Nogueira, O.V. Maltsev, L. Hintermann, S.B. Nielsen, P. Naumov, B.F. Milne. On the influence of water on the electronic structure of firefly oxyluciferin anions from absorption spectroscopy of bare and monohydrated ions in vacuo. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, v.135, 6485. [Link]


6. L. Hintermann, M. Schmitz, O.V. Maltsev, P. Naumov. Organocatalytic Stereoisomerization versus Alkene Isomerization: Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of 1-Hydroxy-trans-2,5-diphenylphospholane 1-Oxide. Synthesis 2013, v.45, 3, 308. [Link]


7. S.G. Zlotin, A.S. Kuherenko, O.V. Maltsev. A.O. Chizhov. Chiral Ionic Liquid/ESI-MS Methodology as an Efficient Tool for the Study of Transformations of Supported Organocatalysts. Top. Catal. 2013, v.56, 923. [Link]


8. A.S. Kucherenko, D.E. Siyutkin, O.V. Maltsev, S.V. Kochetkov, S.G. Zlotin. Asymmetric organocatalysis: from proline to highly efficient immobilized organocatalysts. Russ. Chem. Bull. 2012, v.61, 7, 1313. [Link]


9.O.V. Maltsev, I.P. Beletskaya, S.G. Zlotin. Organocatalytic Michael and Friedel–Crafts reactions in enantioselective synthesis of biologically active compounds. Russ. Chem. Rev. 2011, v.80, 11, 1067. [Link]


10. Maltsev, O.V.; Chizhov, A.O.; Zlotin, S.G. Chiral Ionic Liquid/ESI-MS Methodology as an Efficient Tool for the Study of Transformations of Supported Organocatalysts: Deactivation Pathways of Jørgensen–Hayashi-type Catalysts in Asymmetric Michael Reactions. − Chem. Eur. J., 2011, v.17, №22, 6109. [Link]


11. Maltsev, O.V.; Kucherenko, A.S., Zlotin, S.G. O-TMS-α,α-Diphenylprolinol derivatives supported on ionic polymers as recoverable organocatalysts for the asymmetric Michael reactions of carbon acids with α,β-enals. − Mendeleev Commun., 2011, v.21, 146. [Link]


12. Maltsev, O.V.; Kucherenko, A.S.; Chimishkyan, A.L.; Zlotin, S.G. a,a-Diarylprolinol-derived Chiral Ionic Liquids − Recoverable Organocatalysts for the Domino Reaction between a,b-Enals and N-Protected Hydroxylamines. − Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2010, v.21, 2659 (Highlighted in Synfacts, 2011, v.3, 344 [Link]). [Link]


13. Maltsev, O.V.; Kucherenko, A.S.; Beletskaya, I.P.; Tartakovsky, V.A.; Zlotin, S.G. Chiral Ionic Liquids Bearing O-Silylated a,a-Diphenyl (S)- or (R)-Prolinol Units: Recoverable Organocatalysts for Asymmetric Michael Addition of Nitroalkanes to a,b-Enals. − Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2010, 2927. [Link]


14. Maltsev, O.V.; Kucherenko, A.S.; Zlotin, S.G. O-TMS-a,a-Diphenyl-(S)-prolinol Modified with an Ionic Liquid Moiety: A Recoverable Organocatalyst for the Asymmetric Michael Reaction between a,b-Enals and Dialkyl Malonates. − Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2009, 5134. [Link]


15. Mąkosza, M.; Sulikowski, D.; Maltsev, O.V. Enantioselective Synthesis of (R)-a-(p-Nitroaryl)prolines via Oxidative Nucleophilic Substitution of Hydrogen in Nitroarenes. - Synlett., 2008, v.11, 1711. [Link]


16.  Mąkosza, M.; Surowiec, M.; Szczepańska, A.; Sulikowski, D.; Maltsev, O.V. Simple and General Synthesis of a-(p-Nitroaryl) Derivatives of Alanine and Serine. – Synlett., 2007, v.3, 470. [Link]